Predator Nutrition Shopping Ads, Product Feed Optimised Performance Max


Predator Nutrition began working with Onefeed in October 2021 with the goal of increasing their online reach, market share and growing digital revenue using Google’s paid marketing channels. Faced with a crowded and competitive marketplace, not to mention an inventory that regularly triggers Google Merchant Center warnings, there were multiple hurdles to overcome in order to drive scalability at a profitable Cost of Sale (ACOS) and greater online success overall. After maneuvering through Google’s complex policies a structured and highly targeted shopping approach gave us the foundation to significantly scale the campaigns and take Predator Nutrition to a leading position within the market.

Monthly Avg Revenue
+ 0 %
Cost of Sale
- 0 %
Click Share
+ 0 %
Brand Awareness via Impressions
+ 0 %

The Challenge

Due to the nature of the sports supplements and nutrition, Predator Nutrition was looking to partner with an agency with a proven track record within the industry combined with a wealth of experience with Google Shopping.

To help them navigate their way through numerous product disapprovals and suspension warnings, while growing their online revenue and visibility sustainably was a particular challenge in the context of recent legislation and Google policy changes.

Our Approach

Working closely with the client and using Onefeed’s proprietary feed management software (Onefeed Client Center) we were quickly able to optimise the product feed to minimise product disapprovals and related issues within Google Merchant Center. Furthermore, the inclusion of product margins in the feed at a product level allowed Onefeed to use performance-based bidding rules to improve the profitability of sales being generated and reduce wasted spend.

Despite trialling Performance Max campaigns upon launch in 2022, unfortunately they did not provide a new route to market. Campaigns would be disapproved due to the nature of the products for sale on the website, which required continued liaison with our dedicated Google account contacts. As a result we  remained focused on promoting a curated product inventory via traditional Google Shopping campaigns from within the Onefeed Client Center, segmented to drive performance and scale at a product category level.

By the end of 2022, after a year of having worked together, the average monthly revenue in 2022 was 41% up over the average monthly revenue from 2021, while generating on average 34% more Ad impressions per month.

Following the launch of the new Predator Nutrition website in mid-2023, performance driven by our Google Shopping campaigns were scaled to new highs, representing a 190% increase on the 2021 revenue figures at a greatly improved cost of sale, 27.5% lower than 2021, further improving the profitability of the sales being generated.

Key Performance Stats

We onboarded Onefeed to help boost our revenue and reduce our CoS and given their previous experience in our industry it was a natural fit. Our account manager and the rest of the team are very knowledgeable on all things PPC and digital marketing, which certainly contributed to achieving our goals and success for the year.
Cameron Wenn
Paid Media Manager

Cross-Channel Revenue Growth

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